We welcome all experienced jumpers!
No matter if you are just off student status, or setting world records – we’d love to have you come and jump with us!
Night Jumps
Night jumps can add a whole new spin on skydiving, so mark down your calendar to join us for the following two night jump dates. You must make at least 1 skydive during the day of as well as follow all USPA guidelines for seclusion until legal jumping hours after sunset.
Please make sure to contact us if you are interested in participating! Jump tickets for night jumps are $35/ea to cover the additional equipment and staff required.
May 6th
June 3rd,
July 29th
Sept 2nd
Winter Jumping Dates
We will be jumping this winter for experienced jumpers as well as students on free fall (Students please contact us to make sure we can accommodate you). We’ll be jumping on the following days starting at 10AM. A heated packing area will be available between jumps.
** If weather doesn’t look good we’ll post on our facebook page of any cancelations **
January 13th, 2024
February 10th, 2024
March 9th, 2024
April 6th, 2024 – Safety Day before

Currency Requirements
- Jumpers must be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid “A” license or higher, and must also be current on jumps (which can be proven via on online or paper logbook)
- Anyone not current must perform a check dive with one of our instructors and possibly complete a refresher course. Please note – we cannot guarantee there will be an instructor available at all times so please call if you know you are out of currency!
- “A” License must have made a jump within 60 days
- “B” License must have made a jump within 90 days
- “C” and “D” Licenses must have made a jump within 6 months
Gear Requirements
- AADs are required for all student jumps, but are encouraged for all jumpers
- Reserve repack cycle within the US is 180 days
- Wing loading cannot exceed manufacturers recommendations
Aircraft Rules
- Seatbelts MUST be worn from the time you take your seat until the plane has climbed through 1500 feet (AGL). After 1500 feet all jumpers MUST unfasten their seat-belts in case of an aircraft emergency. In the event of riding the aircraft down, refasten your seat-belt upon descent and keep it fastened until the plane comes to a complete stop on the ground
- Helmets MUST be secured from takeoff until 1500 feet. They can either be worn and fastened on your head or routed through your chest strap or seat belt
- Aircraft door must remain closed until 1500 feet
- Spotting is the responsibility of the jump master of the load. Most of the time others will also assist, but make sure you know what you are looking for. The pilots usually assist, but you are responsible for where and when you exit the aircraft
- Make sure to be aware of exit separation if jumping in different groups to maintain safety
Full Altitude
10,000 ft
(Cash discount price)
Gear Rental
Gear rental (when available)
(Cash discount price)